Our Spirituality
We are called to contemplate, experience and share God’s love for every person. The most amiable and most generous Spirit of Jesus, crucified and risen, is the measure of our love.
Jesus on the Cross is the most perfect expression of the GREATEST LOVE for the Father and our brothers. With gratitude, we participate in his mission of salvation seeking to live a life of Total Dedication To God, Communion and Humble Service with Mary, Mother of Love beneath the Cross.
We learn, in union with Mary, to love God and our neighbour…
The community is the privileged place where we learn daily to recognise the presence of the Lord.
As Sisters, we share what we are and all we have…
…together, we seek to fulfill God’s Plan whilst we learn to give and to receive love ~ in so doing, we become capable of extending charity.
Jesus Christ Crucified ~ the total, unconditional self-giving love, is the perfect model for the Sisters.
Just as Jesus expressed the vastness of the Father’s love for all people, so too, the Sisters reach out in their ministries of charity to those in who have great need… in the footsteps of their inspiring Foundress, St Magdalene of Canossa.
In the spirit of Christ Crucified and Risen the Canossian strives to make God known and loved. This we seek to fulfil through striving to be a prophetic witness; living a humble and joyful life in the community. Through service in education, catechetics and in pastoral care to the sick, within a multi-cultural, multi-religious and multi-racial society and in being especially mindful of the poorest.