The mystery of the gift of life!
What profit would there be for one to gain the whole world and forfeit his life? Or what can one give in exchange for his life?”
Matthew 16:26-28
For whosoever who wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever who loses his life for my sake will save it!
Luke 9:24
I often asked myself “Why am I alive?”
If God gave me this gift of life, why isn’t this gift be a gift for others to enjoy?
The mystery of my vocation unfolds as I recall the many times when life could be snatched away from me…………
At the tender age of eight, I was almost drowned during a family picnic……yet I was saved….
At the same age of eight….while running across the road I was almost run over by a car…..yet I am alive!
At the age of ten, I almost got electrocuted!!…….yet I am still here
At the age of eleven, an acute bout of asthma almost got the better of me…labored breathing…….panting …inability to run and play as a normal child…….yet I am still here, strong and healthy !
This is the itinerary of my journey in religious life:
I left my family to be an aspirant at St Anthony’s Convent 111 Middle Road in Singapore.
From 1959 – 1962
I was trained as a novice in Hong-Kong and completed my novitiate in Brisbane Australia. I said my “Yes” to the Lord in 1964.
After my 1st profession I was trained as a registered nurse in England.
To deepen my Christian faith, I attended theological studies in Rome.
In 1969, I had my perpetual profession in Italy. I said my Yes to God and promised through my vows that I would be His for the rest of my life.
Life after perpetual profession in Singapore
From 1970 onwards, I put to good use my nursing skills…
I ran a mobile clinic. With a volunteer or two, I chauffeured a mini van to poor village areas in Changi, and attended to the sick who needed first aid or medications. At the same time, I was the community nurse who took care of elderly sisters. Simultaneously, I took pride in running a Toy Shop where girls who are drop-outs would be kept away from the streets, learn to make soft toys and get exposed to basic education.
I then, had an interest in the pre-school programmes. I attended courses and subsequently became a principal of early childhood education for 23 long……years!
I was then needed to serve in a nursing home…St Joseph’s Home then at Gok Poh Road. For eighteen months, I looked after the elderly and bed-bound.
After the millennium, I was given the gift of a 6-months sabbatical in Australia. This prepared me too for a long term service of 5 years in the Generalate in Rome.
Wherever I went, I knew and was convinced that I was serving the Lord….I gave the best of myself…
When I returned from Rome, St Joseph’s Home needed me, Now to date. I am at this age of seventy still serving our elderly of 90 plus at St Joseph’s.
I am happy, I am young at heart and I am ready for many more surprises. I now end as I began earlier…
Life is a gift….Life is a mystery that unfolds with each new day… as someone cleverly said….
Yesterday was history…
Tomorrow is a mystery…
Today is a “Present” (Gift”).