I was born in a Taoist family, educated in a Methodist school and enjoyed the freedom to choose my own faith. I was brought up by my aunt, who was a staunch Taoist, and a deeply spiritual woman. And being so close to her, perhaps I was also attracted to the spiritual, and at the same time challenged by the material and physical things in life.
My response to the vocation calling came soon and gradual after my baptism in 1981. This did not happen all of a sudden. My search for deeper meaning in life came even before my baptism. I believe that my life would be committed to someone. And who is that someone!
One Sunday in Church, I heard the priest inviting the young adults to join the “CHOICE” weekend, so I went. In the “CHOICE” weekend, I met a religious sister, Sr. Marilyn who was one of the presenters for the sessions. And this is how my journey in the search of a deeper meaning in life started from this simple encounter.
After knowing Sr. Marilyn, I was invited to ‘Joyville’ (a place where the young ladies stayed and made their discernment for vocations). I was attracted to Joyville and enjoyed the company of the sisters and postulants there. My visit to Joyville became frequent and regular. And I was invited to ‘Come and See’, that is, to stay there and experience community life living together, praying and working together.
Then I had to make a very difficult decision to leave my stable and good job of 13 years, a kind boss and cooperative colleagues, and take a different and uncertain path. Is it worthwhile? Am I worthy to be called to be a sister? What about my family and the finances? Can I live with a company of women of different personalities and ways? And so many questions came into my mind. I have no answers to all the questions at that time. It is a journey of searching, discovering and growing in a RELATIONSHIP with GOD, others and self. It is definitely a fulfilling and beautiful journey, inspite of the mystery of human limitations.