Sr Anna Ong

Enjoys living in community

SISTER ANNA ONG was the youngest of 16 children. When she was in Primary Five, she was attracted by the kindness of a Canossian Sister teaching in St. Anthony’s Convent where she was studying. She thought of becoming a nun, but feeling inadequate and unworthy, she cast the idea aside. In addition, her parents were against the idea, despite being staunch Catholics.

However, she continued to pray about it and eventually joined the religious order at the age of 21. She did her novitiate in Hong Kong together with Sisters Mary Siluvainathan and Mary Tan.

Upon returning to Singapore in 1962, Sister Anna taught at St. Anthony’s Canossian Primary and Lower Secondary schools which were then located in Middle Road, before being assigned to assist in the kindergarten at Canossa Convent in Salim Road.

Her other appointments include taking care of the Lifesprings Canossian Spirituality Centre at Jalan Merbok, and pastoral care and handicraft work with the elderly at St. Joseph’s Home.

“In the past 50 years, I have enjoyed living together with others in community because I recall the times at home with my 16 brothers and sisters. I see community as a place where people can challenge each other to grow in love and peace,” she wrote about herself in an article for Archbishop Nicholas Chia

“I thank the Lord for the opportunity to have lived and served in the different communities throughout these years, and experienced God’s love through the many (Canossian) sisters and people I have met. Daily I pray that I may communicate the knowledge and love of God to each person I meet as I remember the words of St. Magdalene, ‘the greatest charity is to make God known and loved’.”